Wednesday, September 16, 2015

20150915 BBC_What causes South East Asia's haze?

Forest fires in Indonesia have resulted in a smoky haze that is blanketing the region and affecting neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore.
The BBC explains what causes the haze, and what makes it such a contentious issue.

What's causing the haze?

Both the haze and the controversy around it have intensified in recent years.
Every year Indonesia sees agriculture fires in Riau province in East Sumatra, South Sumatra, and parts of Kalimantan.
Map from Nasa's satellites showing forest fires in Indonesia from 9 to 16 SeptemberImage copyrightNASA EOSDIS
Image captionNasa satellite data shows multiple fires in mid-September 2015 in the eastern part of Sumatra island and the southern part of Kalimantan island of Indonesia
The fires are said to be caused by corporations in the palm oil, pulp and paper industries, as well as small-scale farmers who use the illegal slash-and-burn method to clear vegetation.
The fires often spin out of control and spread into protected forested areas.
The problem has only accelerated as the cleared land becomes drier, which in turn becomes more highly likely to catch fire the next time round.

Why is it an issue?

The haze gets blown north and westwards across affected Indonesian provinces, as well as towards Malaysia and Singapore, causing a significant deterioration in air quality.
Tourists walk past Putrajaya's iconic buildings, from left to right, Putra Mosque and prime minister's office shrouded with haze in Putrajaya, Malaysia on Wednesday, 16 September 2015Image copyrightAP
Image captionThe haze has blanketed many parts of Malaysia including the centre of government Putrajaya...
A view of the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest conservatories of Gardens by the Bay and the southern coast of Singapore shrouded by haze in Singapore 10 September 2015Image copyrightReuters
Image caption...and the whole of Singapore, affecting key tourist attractions like Gardens by the Bay
It can be a health hazard, and at its peak it has prompted school closures, flight cancellations and virtual shutdowns of towns and cities.
Singapore and Indonesia use the Pollutants Standards Index (PSI) to measure air quality, while Malaysia uses the similar Air Pollutants Index (API). On both indices, a reading that is above 100 is classified as unhealthy and anything above 300 is hazardous.
Indonesia recently declared a state of emergency in Riau province - one of its towns, Pekanbaru, saw a PSI reading of 984.
Malaysia declared a state of emergency in 2013, when a southern district saw readings of more than 750 API.

What makes it so dangerous?

Besides irritating the respiratory tract and the eyes, pollutants in the haze can cause serious long-term damage to health.
Students, wearing face masks, walk in front of their school as they prepare to head home due to the unhealthy quality of air in Palembang, on Indonesia's Sumatra island, 10 September 2015.Image copyrightReuters
Image captionFace masks have become a common sight in the region
The indices used to measure air quality in the region usually measure particulate matter (PM10), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone.
PM2.5 is considered the most dangerous as it can enter deeper into the lungs. It has been associated with causing respiratory illnesses and lung damage.
A man wearing a mask for protection against the haze as he waits at a polling station during the general election in Singapore 11 September 2015.Image copyrightReuters
Image captionAuthorities in Singapore have encouraged residents to use special masks that can filter out PM2.5

What is being done to stop it?

Indonesia has been dumping millions of litres of water in affected areas and has sent in the army to help firefighters put out the fires.
Indonesia and Malaysia have also conducted cloud-seeding to induce rain, while Singapore has pledged assistance to help put out fires.
A helicopter drops water to extinguish a raging fire in Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia, 13 September 2015Image copyrightEPA
Image captionHelicopters in Indonesia have been water bombing areas with fires
Indonesia has for years promised to step up enforcement. Under President Joko Widodo, it has named 10 corporations as suspects, and said it is investigating more than 100 individuals.
In 2002, all 10 South East Asian countries signed an agreement to combat the issue through greater monitoring and encouragement of sustainable development, but efforts have been limited.

Why has it been so difficult to stop?

Indonesia has long struggled to police the vast rural expanse in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
An aerial view of smoke rising from a burning forest at Ogan Komering Ulu area in Indonesia's south Sumatra province September 10, 2015Image copyrightReuters
But Indonesia and environment rights activists also say it is not entirely to blame, as some of the corporations accused of illegal burning have Malaysian and Singaporean investors.
Singapore in 2014 passed a set of laws that allow it to prosecute individuals and companies that contribute to the haze, but it remains unclear how this law could be enforced.
There have also been name-and-shame campaigns and calls to boycott the products of the companies said to be contributing to the haze.
Indonesian firemen put out a fire on peatland in Rimbo Panjang, Riau province on 15 September 2015Image copyrightAFP
Image captionDousing out a peat fire is difficult as it can burn underground, and requires swamping the entire area with vast amounts of water
In the meantime Indonesian authorities continue to struggle to put out the fires, many of which have flared up on flammable and dry peat-rich areas.
A peat fire is difficult to put out as it can burn underground for months, and requires a lot of water to extinguish. Fires can spread underground and spring up in other places later.

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