Saturday, September 28, 2013

20130928 BBC_Pakistan earthquake: Visiting an island that did not exist a few days ago

An earthquake which killed more than 200 people in Pakistan has created a new island off the country's coast.
The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon at a depth of 20km (13 miles) north-east of Awaran.
People gathered on the beach to see the new island, which is reported to be about 200m (656ft) long, 100m wide and 20m high.
Dr Simon Boxhall, an an oceanographer from the UK, said the event was "extraordinary but not unique".
The BBC's Aleem Maqbool has visited the Island.
It is one of the largest islands created this way for decades; the sea bed was raised when two tectonic plates pushed together.
Fishermen noticed the new body of land about half an hour after the quake.
It is about the size of a football field, and rises about 20 metres (65ft) above sea level.
Aleem Maqbool said there was already rubbish on the island from people who have begun visiting it.
The island could disappear within a year.

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