Monday, April 28, 2014

20140426 BBC_Tiananmen Square protest museum opens in Hong Kong

The events in Tiananmen square remain a taboo in Chinese society

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The world's first museum dedicated to the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square has opened in Hong Kong.
Organisers hope in particular to attract visitors from mainland China.
The protests are still a taboo topic in mainland China but Hong Kong operates under a more liberal legal system.
June will see the 25th anniversary of the Chinese army's violent suppression of the protests, leading to the deaths of hundreds of people.
The new museum is in the Tsim Sha Tsui district of Hong Kong and has been opened after years of planning and fundraising by pro-democracy activists.
In the past few weeks, the museum itself has become controversial, the BBC's Juliana Liu reports from Hong Kong.
Other occupants of the same building want the museum shut down, citing safety concerns, our correspondent adds.
But the museum's backers believe these efforts are being orchestrated by Communist Party officials.
Beijing considers the weeks of peaceful protest by students and workers to have been a "counter-revolutionary" revolt, and defends the decision to send in tanks and troops to end it on 3-4 June 1989.
The Chinese authorities have never provided an official death toll.

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