Monday, May 7, 2012

20120502 TIME_Harley Davidson Swept Away by Japan Tsunami Surfaces in Canada

One of the first pieces of debris to surface after Japan's tsunami last year, the motorcycle swam 4,000 miles to safety.

Riding his ATV across the beach on British Columbia’s isolated Graham Island, Peter Mark noticed a large container bobbing in the waves. Yielding to his curiosity, Mark peeked inside, only to find a Harley Davidson with Japanese license plates, along with some golf clubs and camping gear, Reuters reports.

Over the next two years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts 1.5 million tons of debris will find its way to beaches along the North American coast. Some items have already started to surface on U.S. beaches last month, when a beachcomber found a volleyball and a soccer ball floating off of Alaska’s Middleton Island. 

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