Wednesday, May 27, 2015

20150527 SCMP_Cheung Chau bun scramble called off as rain sends disappointed festival-goers rushing for ferries

Torrential rain meant the famous Cheung Chau bun scramble was called off last night for the first time since it was revived in 2005 – and that wasn’t the only problem the foul weather caused for the island’s annual holiday festival.
Organisers made the decision to cancel at about 11pm, an hour before the scramble was to begin, sending disappointed festival-goers rushing back to their ferries.
The ritual sees competitors scramble up towers to snatch buns. Organisers decided the midnight race would be too treacherous after the Observatory extended a thunderstorm warning issued earlier.
Watch: Cheung Chau residents parade to celebrate Hong Kong's annual Tai Ping Festival
Contestant and former winner Cheung Man-cheung expressed disappointment that organisers could not make alternate arrangements, such as lowering the 15-metre towers or reducing the three-minute time limit. “We came all the way here and have been training for months,” We all just wanted to compete,” he said.
Yung Chi-ming, director of the festival committee, said the decision was necessary but “very unfortunate”. Student King Tse was disappointed after waiting for hours to watch the scramble, which has its roots in a ritual dating to 1894 to appease the spirits of islanders killed in a plague, but said safety came first.

IN PICTURES: Cheung Chau Bun Festival 2015

The letdown came after a sunny day with temperatures of up to 32 degrees Celsius and only one reminder of the weekend’s wet weather – the stench of rotting buns, which could be smelled from 30 metres away.
“Oh, the buns stink!” was how many visitors reacted as they saw white buns on the towers slowly turning brown. The buns would have been replaced by plastic ones for the scramble.
The highlight of the day was, as always, the Piu Sik afternoon parade, in which hot-button issues were fodder for mockery.
A satirical take on parallel trading at the Piu Sik parade. Photo: Samuel ChanIn a depiction of controversy over cross-border trading, a girl dressed as a rich mainlander stood above another girl, meant to represent Hongkongers. The girl below received falling yuan banknotes, with infant formula and toothpaste lying next to her.
Chu Mei-yan, from a residents’ group that came up with the idea, said: “My message is that mainlanders and Hongkongers should live in harmony,” said Chu Mei-yan, from the group that had the idea.
Ferry operator New World said 48,000 people had travelled between the island and Central by 9pm.

20150527 SCMP_Hong Kong cancels storm signals after 2015's first black rainstorm shuts down city services

Torrential downpours yesterday triggered Hong Kong's first black rainstorm signal of the year, disrupted air traffic and forced schools, courts and government clinics to close.
More than 100mm of rain fell in some areas and 490 flights were affected between 10am and 6pm as the city endured another soaking following a week of storms that saw the cancellation of the Cheung Chau Bun Scrambling Competition.
The black rainstorm warning - the highest of three storm signals - was in place for one hour and five minutes until 11.30am.
An Airport Authority spokesman said five incoming and 12 outgoing flights were cancelled, with 303 incoming flights and 314 outgoing flights delayed.
"Another five incoming flights were diverted to other areas such as Macau, Guangzhou or Haikou in Hainan," he said.
Between 9am and noon, the Observatory recorded more than 4,300 lightning strikes before all rainstorm signals were withdrawn at 12.30pm.
Senior scientific officer Li Sun-wai said the black rainstorm signal was the second shortest of the 19 issued since January 1998. The shortest lasted just 40 minutes on May 8 last year.
Four rainstorm warnings were issued in less than three hours yesterday. At 9.40am, the amber rainstorm signal was issued. This was changed to red at 10am and to black at 10.25am.
"The development of heavy rain was rapid," Li said, with the downpour the result of a trough of low pressure bringing unsettled weather.
"Heavy rain brought more than 70mm of rainfall to urban areas and rainfall even exceeded 100mm over Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan, Sai Kung and Ma On Shan in the morning," he said.
Most government clinics were closed and normal service only resumed in the afternoon.
According to a government spokeswoman, authorities received 15 reports of fallen trees, five reports of flooding and two reports of landslides between 9.40am and 3pm.
Part of the wall of an abandoned house collapsed at Ha Wo Che, Shui Wo Road, in Sha Tin at 10.18am. No one was injured.
Shortly after 11.30am, a section of Sha Tin Pass Road in Wong Tai Sin was closed to traffic following a landslide. It reopened about 3pm.
The rain is expected to ease off towards the end of the week.

20150527 又漏油了:美國雷富希奥洩漏事故

石油洩漏常發生在偏遠的地方,像是墨西哥灣和蒙大拿州的荒地,大家的感受也可能沒那麼深。但當事故發生在有435,000居民的加州聖巴巴拉(Santa Barbara)附近時,憂心忡忡的市民都紛紛趕來關注情況。
Photo by chriscristi
Photo: chriscristi/Instagram
事發於5月19日約上午11時,近雷富希奥州立海灘(Refugio State Beach)的一條石油管道開始洩漏,據管道擁有者Plains All-American Pipeline估計,約105,000加侖的原油可能已溢出,美國海岸警衛隊亦表示,其中有21,000加侖流進了大海,形成兩片共橫跨15公里的油污。石油迅速塗覆海鳥、魚類、甲殼類和其他野生動物,不少已經死亡。
Photo: ccubed61/Instagram
Photo: ccubed61/Instagram
Photo by Scott London
Photo: Scott London/twitter
Photo: David McNew/Getty Images
Photo: David McNew/Getty Images
Photo: C.J. Ward/twitter
Photo: C.J. Ward/twitter
Photo: Beth Farnsworth Ward/twitter
Photo: Beth Farnsworth Ward/twitter