Sunday, September 30, 2012

20121001 BBC_Japan typhoon Jelawat lifts car into air in Okinawa

A powerful typhoon has hit Japan's southern island of Okinawa, injuring more than 50 people and leaving thousands without power.
The country's Meteorological Agency said Typhoon Jelawat was expected to hit the Tokyo region Sunday evening. Residents have been warned to stay indoors.
Amateur footage posted online shows a car being lifted into the air by strong winds in Urasoe city, as the BBC's Philippa Thomas reports.

20121001 BBC_Climate change 'may shrink fish'

Fish species are expected to shrink in size by up to 24% because of global warming, say scientists.
Researchers modelled the impact of rising temperatures on more than 600 species between 2001 and 2050.
Warmer waters could decrease ocean oxygen levels and significantly reduce fish body weight.
The scientists argue that failure to control greenhouse gas emissions will have a greater impact on marine ecosystems than previously thought.
Previous research has suggested that changing ocean temperatures would impact both the distribution and the reproductive abilities of many species of fish. This new work suggests that fish size would also be heavily impacted.
As ocean temperatures increase, so do the body temperatures of fish. But, according to lead author, Dr William Cheung, from the University of British Columbia, the level of oxygen in the water is key.
"Rising temperatures directly increase the metabolic rate of the fish's body function," he told BBC News.
"This leads to an increase in oxygen demand for normal body activities. So the fish will run out of oxygen for growth at a smaller body size."
Taking both the movements and the physiological impacts of rising temperatures together, the research team concludes that fish body size will shrink between 14% and 24%, with the largest decreases in the Indian and Atlantic oceans.
When compared with actual observations of fish sizes, the model seems to underestimate what's actually happening in the seas.
The authors point out a number of limiting factors in their study, including uncertainties in the predictions for the climate and the oceans. According to Dr Cheung, further research is required.
"Our study shows that climate change can lead to a substantial decrease in the maximum body weight of fish. We need to look more closely at the biological response in the future."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

20120719 China Daily_WHO urges China to tax smokers

Cigarette tax should be increased to combat nicotine addiction in the world's largest tobacco consumer and producerWHO Director-General Margaret Chan said.

"There is still plenty of room for China to raise its tobacco tax and the government should take more action regarding this to help curb smoking," she told China Daily.

"Evidence shows that higher taxes deter peopleespecially the youngfrom smoking,'' she said.
International studies indicate that for every 1 percent rise in the price of a packet of cigarettes,the number of smokers falls by about 0.4 percentshe said.
There is a huge financial cost in treating tobacco-related diseases, Chan said.
China has 350 million smokersmore than one-third of the world's totaland at least 1 million people die from smoking-related diseases each yearaccording to the ministryBy 2020, thefigure for fatalities is expected to reach 2 million without effective intervention.
Government agencieslike the ministries of health and educationhave introduced policies such as smoke-free hospitals and schoolsas well as smoking bans at most public indoorplacesTobacco products have also been targeted with tax hikes.
In 2009, authorities increased tobacco tax by at least 6 percentmostly on the more expensive brands.
"But that had little effect on curbing tobacco useparticularly the low-end brands," said YangGonghuanformer director of the tobacco control office under the Chinese Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention.
Tobacco taxeven after the hikeremained very low on a global scale.

20120719 BBC_Iceberg breaks off from Greenland's Petermann Glacier

The Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland has calved an iceberg twice the size of Manhattan, scientists say.
Images from a Nasa satellite show the island breaking off a tongue of ice that extends at the end of the glacier.
In 2010 an ice island measuring 250 square km (100 square miles) broke off the same glacier.
Glaciers do calve icebergs naturally, but the extent of the changes to the Petermann Glacier in recent years has taken many experts by surprise.
However, the calving is not expected have an impact on sea levels as the ice was already floating.
Icebergs from the Petermann Glacier sometimes reach the coast off Newfoundland in Canada, posing a danger to shipping and navigation, according to the Canadian Ice Service.
Scientists have also raised concerns in recent years about the Greenland ice shelf, saying that it is thinning extensively amid warm temperatures.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

20120617 China Daily_Issues linger before summit (Rio+20)

The draft action plan for the coming global sustainable development summitthe Rio+20,remains unfinished as the final preparatory meeting wrapped up Friday evening.

Brazil will take on the coordination and shepherd the draft through informal consultations thatbegan on SaturdayThe formal high-level segment of the conference begins June 20.

The principle of "common but differentiated responsibilitieshas become a sticking point forsome developed countries and the European Union proposed to delete the terms in the draftdocument. "The bloc of the Group of 77 and China firmly request to reaffirm the principles stated in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development," La Yijuna representative ofthe Chinese delegation said on the sidelines of the meeting on Friday.

La urged all sides to adopt a sense of urgency and a spirit of compromise and flexibility.
Sustainable development has been highly valued by the Chinese governmenthe saidand the nation will continue to work to push forward the process.
The definition of "green economyis another issue at the meetingGreen economy is apathway to sustainable developmentLa saidbut it must be considered in the context ofpoverty eradication and not as an excuse for trade protectionism.
Developed countries need to help developing countries establish green economies byproviding fundstechnology and market accessbut their commitment has been weaksaid La

Monday, June 11, 2012

20120611 Apple Daily 林鄭:東涌發展橋頭經濟


Friday, June 8, 2012

20120609 日擬重開核電廠 民眾抗議


Sunday, May 20, 2012

20120520 BBC_Arctic melt releasing ancient methane

Scientists have identified thousands of sites in the Arctic where methane that has been stored for many millennia is bubbling into the atmosphere.

The methane has been trapped by ice, but is able to escape as the ice melts.
Writing in the journal Nature Geoscience, the researchers say this ancient gas could have a significant impact on climate change.
Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas after CO2 and levels are rising after a few years of stability.
There are many sources of the gas around the world, some natural and some man-made, such as landfill waste disposal sites and farm animals.
"If this relationship holds true for other regions where sedimentary basins are at present capped by permafrost, glaciers and ice sheets, such as northern West Siberia, rich in natural gas and partially underlain by thin permafrost predicted to degrade substantially by 2100, a very strong increase in methane carbon cycling will result, with potential implications for climate warming feedbacks."
"The Arctic is the fastest warming region on the planet, and has many methane sources that will increase as the temperature rises," commented Prof Euan Nisbet from Royal Holloway, University of London, who is also involved in Arctic methane research.
"This is yet another serious concern: the warming will feed the warming."
How serious and how immediate a threat this feedback mechanism presents is a controversial area, with some scientists believing that the impacts will not be seen for many decades, and others pointing out the possibility of a rapid release that could swiftly accelerate global warming.
Many of the sites were bubbling methane that has been stored for millennia

Atmospheric methane concentration is rising again after a plateau of a few years

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

20120516 China Daily_China starts fishing ban in South Sea

A two-and-a half month fishing ban will start at noon Wednesday in most part of theSouth China Sea to rehabilitate marine resourcesaccording to fishery authorities.
The Hainan provincial marine and fishing department said all 8,994 locally-registered fishingvessels are all mooredaffecting 35,611 people.
The annual fishing ban reinforced since 1999 will last from May 16 to August 1 this year,covering areas north of the 12th parallel of north latitudeincluding Huangyan Island butexcluding most of the Nansha Islands.
The fishing ban is also applicable to foreign ships.
A spokesman from the South China Fishery Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculturesaid earlier this week that fishing activity of foreign ships in the banned areas will be seen as a"blatant encroachment on China's fishery resources."
A fisherman harvests the last batch of fish before a two-and-ahalf month fishing ban take into effect [Photo/Xinhua]

Fishing boats anchor off ShantouSouth China's Guangdong province  [Photo/Xinhua]

Vessels anchor at a port in Haikouthe capital of South China's Hainan province [Photo/Xinhua]

Monday, May 7, 2012

20120507 AGHK_香港南極 - 蒲台 遍地龕花

幼粒。這裡的花崗岩源於1  億4,000  萬年前岩漿侵入地殼深處後凝固成岩的岩


這裡的地質地貌 、生態環境所受到的大肆破壞實目不忍睹。 而多條天然溪流亦被                      堵塞,影響村民依靠的天然水源。由於大量樹木已被砍伐,泥土亦變得鬆散,在                        雨季期間容易導致山泥傾瀉 ,實非常危險。



20120507 China Daily_Severe drought drains rivers in South China

A lingering drought has dried up most of rivers in the southern Chinese county of Tianlin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

The countywhich had suffered from severe drought over the past three yearshas experienced high temperature and little rainfall over the past three months this year.

Of the total 214 rivers in the county, 200 have been drained.
The drought has left more than 23,000 residents and 12,000 heads of livestock in the county without adequate drinking water supply. The drought has also withered more than 10,000 hectares of cropland.
Local authorities have earmarked over 1 million yuan (160,000 US dollarsas a special fund to combat the drought.
Lu Jianzhendirector of the Tianhe Water Resources Bureausaid the Qiwenhe Reservoirthe drinking  water source for the countyhad seen its water level drop by a half.
A villager walks through a parched paddy in Tianlin countyin the GuangxiZhuang autonomous regionon Saturday. [Photo/Xinhua]
"If there is still no rainfallthe reservoir could only provide 40 days of water for the county," he said.

20120502 TIME_Harley Davidson Swept Away by Japan Tsunami Surfaces in Canada

One of the first pieces of debris to surface after Japan's tsunami last year, the motorcycle swam 4,000 miles to safety.

Riding his ATV across the beach on British Columbia’s isolated Graham Island, Peter Mark noticed a large container bobbing in the waves. Yielding to his curiosity, Mark peeked inside, only to find a Harley Davidson with Japanese license plates, along with some golf clubs and camping gear, Reuters reports.

Over the next two years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts 1.5 million tons of debris will find its way to beaches along the North American coast. Some items have already started to surface on U.S. beaches last month, when a beachcomber found a volleyball and a soccer ball floating off of Alaska’s Middleton Island. 

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