Sunday, June 23, 2013

20130623 BBC—Malaysia declares state of emergency over smog in south

20130623 BBC_Malaysia declares state of emergency over smog in south

Smog has become an annual problem in Malaysia, but this is the first time in eight years that a state of emergency has been called, the BBC's Jennifer Pak, in Kuala Lumpur, reports.
People are angry that the authorities have not been able to address the health hazard, our correspondent says.
The smog is being blamed on illegal land-clearing fires burning near the provincial capital Pekanbaru.
Palm-oil firms - some of which are based in Malaysia and Singapore - have been accused of using slash-and-burn techniques to clear space for their plantations.
Environmental group Greenpeace International said its analysis of Nasa data between 11 and 21 June had "revealed hundreds of fire hotspots in palm oil concessions".

Slash-and-burn clearances

  • Vegetation is cut down and burned to clear land for cultivation
  • Cheaper than using excavators and bulldozers
  • Illegal burning of forests to clear land for palm oil plantations is common in Indonesia - particularly in dry season
  • Indonesia says it is investigating several palm oil companies

Friday, June 21, 2013

20130618 BBC_Singapore hit by highest haze levels in 16 years

BBC_Singapore hit by highest haze levels in 16 years

Singapore has been hit by severe haze from forest fires in nearby Indonesia, prompting a health alert from the government.

Outdoor physical activity should be avoided, and vulnerable people should stay indoors, the government said.

The haze is expected to last for the next few days, the government added.

In Singapore, the view of many landmarks and buildings was obscured by the haze, and the smell of burnt wood was noticeable in the city.

In a statement on Monday, Singapore's National Environment Agency said winds had brought over the smoke haze from fires in Sumatra, Indonesia.

Singapore's Environment Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan said that "for too long, commercial interests in Indonesia have been allowed to override environmental concerns".
However, an Indonesian official said that Singaporean and Malaysian investors also bore some responsibility for the fires, AFP news agency reported.
"The slash-and-burn technique being used is the cheapest land-clearing method and it is not only used by local farmers, but also employees of palm oil investors including Singaporean and Malaysian companies," Hadi Daryanto, an official at Indonesia's Forestry Ministry, said.
"We hope the governments of Malaysia and Singapore will tell their investors to adopt proper measures so we can solve this problem together."

20130621 BBC_Singapore haze hits record high from Indonesia fires

BBC_Singapore haze hits record high from Indonesia fires

Pollution levels soared for a third day in a row in Singapore, as smoky haze from fires in Indonesia shrouded the city state.
The Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) hit 401 at 12:00 on Friday (04:00 GMT) - the highest in Singapore's history.
Indonesia has said it is unfair to blame it solely for the forest fires.
Schools in parts of Malaysia and Indonesia have closed temporarily.
A PSI reading above 300 is defined as "hazardous", while Singapore government guidelines say a PSI reading of above 400 sustained for 24 hours "may be life-threatening to ill and elderly persons".
There are also reports of flight delays affecting both Singapore's Changi airport and Riau province in Indonesia.
The fires are caused by illegal slash-and-burn land clearance in Sumatra, to the west of Singapore.

20130621 BBC_Singapore haze (video)

Pollution levels reached a new record high for a third day in a row in Singapore, as smoky haze from fires in Indonesia shrouded the city state.
The Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) hit 401 at 12:00 on Friday (04:00 GMT) - the highest in Singapore's history.
The index also reached 400 in one part of Indonesia, which is readying helicopters and cloud-seeding equipment in an effort to tackle the fires.
Schools in parts of Malaysia and Indonesia have closed temporarily.
BBC_2013Jun_Singapore haze
BBC_2010Oct_Sumatra fires cause Singapore haze

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

20130611 Sun——邊境馬草壟六村開放




Monday, June 10, 2013

20130610 BBC——Brazil 'on alert' over an oil spill from Ecuador

Aerial view of the oil spill in Ecuador's Amazonian region
Brazil is "on alert" over an oil spill that originated in Ecuador and is travelling downstream towards the Brazilian Amazon.

Last month, an estimated 11,480 barrels of oil leaked from a damaged pipeline into the River Coca in Ecuador.
The spill has already reached the Peruvian Amazon region of Loreto.
"Brazil has offered aid to Ecuador and Peru to support the work of containment and dispersion of the oil slick in the two countries."
On 31 May, a landslide damaged the trans-Ecuador pipeline, causing a spill of some 420,000 gallons (1.6m litres) of crude oil.
Some entered the Coca river, a tributary of the Amazon that also flows through Peru and Brazil.
As it travelled downstream, the slick polluted drinking water in Coca, an urban area of about 80,000 people at the confluence of the Coca and Napo rivers in Ecuador.
Aerial picture showing oil flowing in the Napo riverThe spill polluted drinking water supplies
Days later, on 4 June, the authorities in Peru said the spill had reached the Loreto region.
The Peruvian Environment Minister, Manuel Pulgar Vidal, called it a "very serious problem" and said Peru could seek compensation.
He added that the Peruvian navy were helping Ecuador to clean up the spill.
Ecuador's state oil company, Petroecuador, has said it has hired a specialist US firm, Clean Caribbean & Americas, to begin clean-up operations.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

20130605 九環保團體斥政府盲目填海拓地危害生態環境


20130605 黃錦星指龍尾生態價值較低



20130605 大聯盟斥政府無視科學證據



20130605 大埔居民團體歡迎政府批出龍尾泳灘建造合約


20130605 團體將就龍尾泳灘提司法覆核
